Tests and Results




You can telephone Reception between 10:00am and 3:00pm  Monday to Friday and our Reception Team will be able to provide you with your results.

Where applicable they will advise you if an appointment with the GP is required.

If you would like to speak to a Doctor regarding your test results, please ask the receptionist who will arrange this for you.

getting your test results


Confidentiality has to be strictly observed and this means that, as a rule, results can only be given to the person who had the tests done. When one of our receptionists insists on this, they are acting on instructions, not being awkward.


blood tests

Blood Tests

Blood test forms are provided by Whiteparish Surgery if you wish to attend Salisbury Hosptial for routine blood test.

Whiteparish Surgery offer a  number of blood test appointments for patients registered with the Practice for those unable to attend the hospital. 

We have a phlebotomist on a Tuesday and Friday: appointments are only available during the morning because the samples are collected at lunchtime to go to the hospital for processing.


If you have been requested to have a 'fasting' blood test, this means that you need to have only water to drink from the evening meal before your appointment, until after your blood test. You can continue taking any medications as normal during this period.

If you take insulin, you do not need to be fasting.

Blood Test results will be available from Reception 7 days after your appointment.

You can find out more about blood tests, their purpose and the way they are performed on the NHS website.



On average, it takes up to 14 working days to receive X-ray results or correspondence from the hospital after an out-patient attendance.

If you wish to discuss the outcome of a hospital appointment, contact the receptionist first to ensure we have received the correspondence. 

Image of an Xray



Specimens are collected from the practice each weekday. If you have been asked to bring in a specimen, please ensure that it is at the practice by 12.30pm, clearly named and with your date of birth.

A special "box" will be found next to the check-in screen on the right as you come through the main door. Please leave specimens in here. Samples can only be accepted in a small screw lid container available from reception.