We would like to provide you with some information on the services currently offered by Rethink.

Rethink runs the Wiltshire Mental Health Inclusion Service which aims to support wellbeing and independence. The service can offer 1:1 support to reduce isolation and encourage community engagement. The service is suitable for anyone over the age of 16. A leaflet is attached with information on their service and how to access it.

Rethink also runs drop in hubs where people can come along and meet one of their Inclusion Coaches who can provide them with information in their local area. These are currently operating in Trowbridge, Salisbury, Devizes and Chippenham. Please see the attached leaflet for information. Patients don’t need to referred for the drop in hubs – anyone is welcome to just come along!

Finally, ‘clic Wiltshire’ is an online platform. It has lots of information and resources as well as a local forum where users can chat to each other:


Wiltshire Mental Health Inclusion Service LeafletClic Wiltshire Flyer.

Published: Mar 2, 2024